ScienceDirect is a leading discovery platform of peer-reviewed literature from Elsevier journals and books, including thousands of open access articles.
Ways to access ScienceDirect:
Access ScienceDirect Remotely (Outside campus or at home)
- Access via OpenAthens. You can access ScienceDirect by logging in first to OpenAthens and select ScienceDirect under the resources. Please click here to login to OpenAthens.
- IP Access: You can access ScienceDirect without logging in on the database, as long as you are connected to or using the UPV’s internet connection (e.g. within campus). To check if you are accessing ScienceDirect via IP access:
- Connect your device to the UPV’s internet connection
- Open ScienceDirect website,
- Check the upper right corner if you can see this icon
or this note: “Brought to you by: University of the Philippines”
- If it is present, then you can access directly ScienceDirect and need not to login
How to Check If You are Accessing ScienceDirect Remotely
For Web Browsers: Check the upper right corner of the screen, you will see this icon or this note: “Brought to you by: University of the Philippines”
For Android/Mobile Phones: On the upper right corner, you will see a “3 Lines”, click it and you will see the icon and note: Brought to you by: University of the Philippines
How to Access Scopus
Scopus can be accessed just how the ScienceDirect is accessed.
- via OpenAthens, Click Here to login
- via IP Access, click this link: Make sure you are connected to or using the UPV's internet connection