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Online databases/resources are internet-based equivalents of books, articles, pictures, movies, games, activities, and homework. These resources are digital and available over the Internet. Formats include web documents, audio files, images, videos, animations, word processing documents and others.




Open access databases are resources that are available to the general public, without the need of subscription. Most of these, being free, can be accessed without any restrictions at the user’s end. These resources are available in various forms and types such as e- journals, e-books, electronic theses & dissertations, directories, e-print archives, digital repositories, open education resources, search engines and blogs, etc. All these resources are accessible in the web and are useful to support the academic and research work of the library’s clients.













An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online database of all the resources or materials of the library. It is a catalog that is accessed via computer or other electronic device and internet connection. It replaces the traditional card catalog as a means for locating library resources. It provides a quick and more thorough means of access to library resources.

The UPV Library uses an in-house program known as the Integrated Library (iLib 1.0) System designed by UP System (Diliman) for its OPAC. Each unit or section of the Library is provided with its own OPAC station. Library users may utilize these OPAC stations in searching for library holdings.

Welcome to the Integrated Library System (iLib): UP Visayas Online Public Access Catalog

If outside the campus or unable to load, go to Temporary Public Access Catalog

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