The Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) Bibliographic Database is the principal information product produced through the cooperative efforts of the international network of ASFA Partners and a commercial ASFA Publisher. The database contains more than 2,500,000 bibliographic references to the world's aquatic science literature accessioned since 1971.ASFA

ProQuest provides subscription access to enormous collections of premium journal contents and dissertations. Explore the following databases: ProQuest One Academic (contains four (4) ProQuest’s multidisciplinary products: ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online, and ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global); Coronavirus Research Database; and Publicly Available Content Database.

ASFA and ProQuest can be accessed remotely (outside the campus or at home) through login, using its respective username and password and via OpenAthens, respectively. Since ASFA and ProQuest can be both accessed via the ProQuest platform,, you need to log-out first the database in order to access the other.


How to Logout ProQuest or ASFA

  1. Click the human-like icon in the upper right corner

  2. Click “Exit ProQuest”

  3. Click “Exit”

  4. Click “Go to Login Page”

  5. You will be directed to the login page



Ways to Access ASFA and ProQuest

Access via OpenAthens


Access ProQuest remotely or at home by logging in first to OpenAthens. Click the button below to login to OpenAthens:



Access ASFA remotely or at home by logging in using the username and password. For username and password, please chat BISAY

Access via IP Access


Access ProQuest via IP access by clicking in the link: and using the UPV's internet connection



ASFA is not accessible via IP. A login is needed in order to access ASFA. For username and password, please chat BISAY



ASFA Database

ASFA Database Indicator:

Access provided by:
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

ProQuest Database

ProQuest Database Indicator:

Access provided by:
University of the Philippines Visayas