Perlego: An Online University Library


Perlego is a digital online library focusing on the delivery of academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. It is a subscription-based service that offers users unlimited access to these texts for the duration of their subscription. They have been billed as “the Spotify for Textbooks” by the Evening Standard.


New York Times


The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. It provides access to latest news and the exclusive subscriber-only newsletter.


The New York Times offers:

  • News

    Original reporting, investigation and analysis.

  • Subscriber-Only Newsletters

    Exclusive inbox access to topical reporting, opinion perspectives and expert guidance.

  • Gift Articles

    10 articles per month to give to anyone, including non-subscribers.



How to Access New York Times

New York Times is accessible only via login using your UP email account (

However, an account must be created or logged in using your UP email first. Press the button below to go to the New York Times's Digital Pass Page to reedem digital access.


Below is the NYT Digital Pass Page:






American Chemical Society


The American Chemical Society provides access to chemistry-related information and research through per-reviewed journals and ebooks
-from About ACS Publications


American Chemical Society offers:

  • Trusted Peer Review

    ACS Publications maintains the highest editorial standards, with fast, informed peer review and publication decision-making by prominent editors who are active researchers in the field. Each year, more than 140,000 practicing scientists from around the world trust ACS Publications to rapidly advance their very best research. The peer-review process of ACS journals forms the foundation of this trust, ensuring fair and constructive feedback from leading scholars. Commitment to quality peer review enables ACS to produce a portfolio that generates more citations than portfolios two to three times its size.
    - from About ACS Publications

  • A Home for Every Type of Research

    With a comprehensive portfolio of more than 75 journals, including 12 "gold" completely open access journals, ACS Publications has a home for every variety of research. Improvements to the ACS Manuscript Transfer Service make it easier than ever to resubmit research to another journal within the ACS family.
    - from About ACS Publications

  • Rapid Publication

    Median publishing times are less than two weeks from acceptance to web publication, facilitated by the ACS Publications state-of-the-art digital publishing platform. This brings authors' work rapid exposure and gives the scientific community access to valuable information faster than ever before.
    - from About ACS Publications

  • Broad Global Exposure

    Researchers at more than 5,000 institutions in 99 countries have access to ACS Publications. In addition, ACS publishes research from around the globe.
    - from About ACS Publications

  • Options for Authors to Share Their Work

    In addition to the ACS Open Access initiative, ACS Articles on Request allows authors to share up to 50 free downloads of their published articles. This link is valid for the first 12 months following online publication, and can be shared via email or an author's website.
    - from About ACS Publications



How to Access American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society is accessible via OpenAthens and IP Access

Access via OpenAthens

American Chemical Society is accessible via OpenAthens. Just login to OpenAthens using your UP Email account ( Click button below:

If logged in successfully, search/find under Resources the ACS Publications to access American Chemical Society (ACS). You may confirm successful login or access to ACS by looking at the upper-right portion:


Access via IP Access

American Chemical Society is accessible via IP Access. Users are not required to login in order to access the database, as long as they are using the UPV's internet connection.

Just go to:


To confirm IP Access, see upper-right poortion:



American Chemical Society User Guide