January - June 2020
New Acquisitions
January - June 2019
ACCOUNTING Baker, Richard E. Advanced financial accounting. 9th ed. New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, c2011. HF 5635 B35 2011. (Circulation section). |
ADOBE ACROBAT Adobe acrobat 8.0 : level 1. 2nd ed. Ropchester, New York : Element K, 2007. QA 76.76 A36s 2007. (Circulation Section). |
ALGEBRA Hirsch, Lewis. Understanding elementary algebra with geometry : course for college students. |
AUSTRIA-VIENNA Klein, Wilhelm. Vienna. 2nd ed. Boston, Massachusetts : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996. |
AUTHOSHIP The practical writer : from inspiration to publication / edited by Therese Eiben and Mary Gannon. New York : Penguin Books, 2004. PN 137 P73 2004. (Circulation Section). |
BRAND NAME PRODUCTS—UNITED STATES Favorite brand name best-loved recipes. Lincolnwood, Ill. : Publications International, c2003. TX 715 C5 F38 2003. (Reserve Section). |
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Periu, Omar. The one-minute meeting : how to speak without fear, inspire any audience, and conduct time-effective meetings. Boca Raton, FL : Omar Periu International, c2004. |
BUSINESS DATA PROCESSING Fink, David. Element K,Visio 2003 professional : level 2. New York : Element K, c2005. T 385 F56s 2005. (Circulation Section). |
BUSINESS PRESENTATION Perlman, Alan M. Perfect phrases for executive presentations : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases to use to communicate your strategy and vision when the stakes are high. New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 2006. PN 4193 B8 P47 2006. (Circulation Section). |
BUSINESS—PHILS. Dannhaeuser, Norbert. Chinese traders in a Philippine town : from daily competition to urban transformation. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2004. DS 689 D22 D36 2004. (Filipiniana Section). |
CALLIGRAPHY Lincoln, Abraham. The Hunt/speedball calligraphy workbook : an italic notebook. Brookville, Ohio : Calligrafree, c1990. Z 43 L5 1990. (Circulation Section). |
CARTOGRAPHY Brewer, Cynthia A. Designed maps : a sourcebook for GIS users. Redlands, Calif. : ESRI Press, c2008. GA 105.3 B73 2008. (Circulation Section). |
Brewer, Cynthia A. Designing better maps : a guide for GIS users. Redlands, Calif. : ESRI Press, 2005. GA 105.3 B74 2005. (Circulation Section). |
CHARACTER Covey, Stephen R. The seven habits of highly effective people : powerful lessons in personal change. 25th anniversary ed. New York : Simon & Shuster, 2004. BF 637 S8 C684 2004. (Circulation Section). |
Covey, Stephen R. The seven habits of highly effective people : restoring the character ethic. New York : Free Press, 2004. BF 637 S8 C68 2004. (Circulation Section). |
CHIEFDOMS—PHILS.--HISTORY Junker, Laura Lee. Raiding, trading, and feasting : the political economy of Philippine chiefdoms. Quezon City : ADMU Press, c2000. GN 492.55 J86 2000 c.2. (Filipiniana Section). |
CHRISTIAN LIFE Warren, Rick. The purpose driven life : what on earth am I here for? Michigan : Zondervan, c2002. BV 4501.3 W37 2002 c.2. (Circulation Section). |
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY—SAFETY MEASURES MacCollum, David V. Construction safety engineering principles. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. TH 443 M215 2007. (Circulation Section). |
CONSUMER EDUCATION—UNITED STATES Howard, Clark. Clark Howard’s living large in lean times : 250+ ways to buy smarter, spend smarter, and save money. New York : Avery, 2011. HG 179 H685 2011. (Circulation Section). |
CRIME—PHILS. Bankoff, Greg. Crime, society, and the state in the nineteenth-century Philippines. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2000. HV 6239 P5 B35 2000. (Filipiniana Section) |
CRYSTAL REPORTS Pray, Jeannine P. Crystal reports 10 : level 1. New York : Element K, 2006. HF 5719 P73s 2006. (Circulation Section). |
DECISION MAKING Blink : the power of thinking without thinking. New York : Back Bay Books, c2005. |
Welch, Suzy. 10-10-10 : 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years – a life-transforming idea. New York : Scribner, c2009. BF 448 W46 2009. (Circulation Section). |
DISEASE—PHILS.--HISTORY Newson, Linda A. Conquest and pestilence in the early Spanish Philippines. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011. HB 3649 N48 2011. (Filipiniana Section). |
ECONOMIC FORECASTING Constable, Simon. The Wall Street Journal guide in the 50 economic indicators that really matters : from big Macs to zombie banks, the indicators smart investors watch to beat the market. New York : Harper Business, 2011. HG 4529.5 C658 2011. (Circulation Section). |
Talbott, John R. Obamanomics : how bottom-up economic prosperity will replace trickle-down economics. New York : Seven Stories Press, c2008. HC 106.83 T35 2008. (Circulation Section). |
ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY Lazar, Richard A. Guide to electronic discovery : how to navigate the process of electronic discovery quickly and effectively. Portland : Fios, c2002. KF 9650 L39 2002. (Circulation Section). |
Mack, Mary. A process of illumination : the practical guide to electronic discovery. USA : Discovery Center for Excellence, 2004. KF 8902 M33 2004. (Circulation Section). |
EMOTIONS Brafman, Ori. Click : the magic of instant connections. New York : Broadway Books, c2010. |
FENG SHUI Too, Lillian. Lillian Too's Feng Shui : 168 ways to declutter your home. London : Cico Books, 2002. BF 1779 F4 T55 2002. (Circulation Section). |
FINANCE Cornett, Marcia M. Finane. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012. HG 173 C679 2012. (Circulation section). |
FOSSILS Arduini, Paolo. Simon & Schuster's guide to fossils. New York : Simon and Schuster, c1986. QE 714.3 A7313 1986. (Circulation Section). |
FRANCE--GUIDEBOOKS Frommer's France 2012 / Alison, Culliford and five others. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Pub., 2012. |
FRENCH LANGUAGE Kendris, Chrsitopher. French now! level 1. 4th ed. Hauppage, New York : Barron's Educational Series, 2007. PC 2129 E5 K429 2007. (Circulation Section). |
GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Thomas, Christopher. Measuring up : the business case for GIS. Redlands, Calif. : ESRI Press, c2004. HD 30.213 T47 2004. (Circulation Section). |
GHOST STORIES Shapton, Leanne. Guestbook : ghost stories. New York Riverhead Books, c2019. PS 8637 H378 A6 2019. (Circulation Section). |
GIRLS—BIOGRAPHY—JUVENILE LITERATURE Chicken soup for the girls soul / compiled by Jack Canfield and three others. New York : Scholastic, Inc., 2005. BJ 1631 C4655 2005. (Circulation Section). |
GUIDEBOOKS Catling, Christopher. Florence & Tuscany. New York : DK Publishing, c2015. DG 732 F537 2015. (Reserve Section). |
HEALTH Health and Home / Philippine Publishing House. Vol. 60. Manila : Philippine Publishing House, 2019. AP 61 H43 2019. (Reference Section). |
Health information : concepts, principles, and practice / edited by Kathleen M. LaTour, et. al. 3rd ed. Chicago,Ill. : AHIMA, c2010. RA 976 H395 2010. (Circulation section). |
Saradananda, Swami. The power of breath : the art of breathing well for harmony, happiness, and health. London : Duncan Bairde Publishers, 2009. RA 782 S37 2009. (Circulation Section). |
HISTORY 20th century world history / Martin Cannon, et. al. Oxford University Press, 2009. D 421 T84 2009. (Circulation Section). |
Abinales, P.N. Making Mindanao : Cotabato and Davao in the formation of one Philippine nation-state. Quezon City : ADMU Press, c2000. DS 688 M2 A24 2000 c.3. (Filipiniana Section). |
Abinales, Patricio N. Mindanao, nation, and region : the joys of dislocation. Pasig City : Anvil, c2008. DS 688 M2 A255 2008. (Filipiniana Section). |
Arnold, Gina. Half a million strong : crowds and power from Woodstock to Coachella. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, c2018. ML 3917 U6 A76 2018. (Circulation Section). |
Barrios, John E. The Katipunan in Aklan. Aklan : Aklan Historical and Cultural Society, Inc., c2019. DS 678.3 B37 2019 c.2. (Filipiniana Section). |
Chu, Richard T. Chinese merchants of Binondo in the nineteenth century. Manila : UST Publishing House, c2010. DS 666 C5 C558 2010. (Filipiniana Section). |
Edgerton, Ronald King. People of the middle ground : a century of conflict and accommodation in Central Mindanao, 1880s-1980s. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2008. DS 688 B83 E34 2008. (Filipiniana Section). |
Fish, Shirley. When Britain ruled the Philippines, 1762-1764 : the story of the 18th century British invasion of the Philippines during the seven years war. DS 674.62 G5 F57 2003. (Filipiniana Section). |
Ileto, Reynaldo C. Magindanao, 1860-1888 : the career of Datu Utto of Buayan. Manila : Anvil, 2007. DS 666 M21 I54 2007. (Filipiniana Section). |
McCoy, Alfred W. Policing America's empire : the United States, the Philippines, and the rise of the surveillance state. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2011. DS 685 M225 2011. (Filipiniana Section). |
Mojares, Resil Buagas. Brains of the nation : Pedro Paterno, T.H. Pardo de Tavera, Isabelo de los Reyes and the production of modern knowledge. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2006. DS 675.3 M65 2006. (Filipiniana Section). |
Mojares, Resil Buagas. The war against the Americans : resistance and collaboration in Cebu, 1899-1906. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2004. DS 688 C4 M65 2004. (Filipiniana Section). |
Philippines-Japan relations / edited by Ikehata Setsuho. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2003. DS 673 J3 P53 2003. (Filipiniana Section). |
Pirates prostitutes and pullers : explorations in the ethno- and social history of Southeast Asia . Quezon City : New Day, 2009. DS 526.7 W37 2009. (Filipiniana Section). |
Tan, Samuel K. The Muslim south and beyond. Quezon City : University of the Philippines Press, c2010. DS 688 M2 T34 2010. (Filipiniana Section). |
IMMUNE SYSTEM Richtel, Matt. An elegant defense : the extraordinary new science of the immune system : a tale in four lives. New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2019. QR 181.7 R53 2019. (Circulation Section). |
INTERIOR DECORATION Lee, Vinny. Zen interiors. New York : Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1999. NK 2113 L44 1999. (Circulation Section). |
INTERNET MARKETING Safko, Lon. The social media bible : tactics, tools, & strategies for business success. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley ; Chichester : John Wiley, c2012. HF 5415.1265 S24 2012. (Circulation Section). |
IRELAND Lonely planet discover Ireland : experience the best of Ireland. / Fionn Davenport and three others. 3rd ed. Melbourne; London : Lonely Planet Publications Pty. Ltd. DA 980 L66 2014. (Reserve Section). |
JAPAN Japan : migration and a multicultural society / Lydia N. Yu Jose. Quezon City : Japanese Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University, 2014. JV 8722 I56 2014. (Filipiniana Section). |
LEADERSHIP Baldoni, John. Great communication secrets of great leaders. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2003. HD 30.3 B366 2003. (Circulation Section). |
Kouzes, James M. Leadership the challenge workbook. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2003. |
Stettner, Morey. Skills for new managers. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2000. HD 57.7 S736 2000. (Circulation Section). |
LITERATURE Jenkyns, Richard. Classical literature. New York, NY : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, 2016. PA 3001 J45 2016. (Circulation Section). |
The Norton anthology of American literature / ed. by Nina Baym. New York : Norton, c1994. |
Shakespeare, William. The complete works of William Shakespeare V.5. New York : Bantam Books, c1980. PR 2754 C47 1980 v.5. (Circulation Section) |
LOGIC Von Savant, Marilyn. The power of logical thinking : easy lessons in the art of reasoning, and hard facts about its absence in our lives. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1996. |
LONGEVITY Braverman, Eric R. The edge effect : achieve total health and longevity with the balanced brain advantage. New York : Sterling Pub. Co., 2005. QP 376 B74 2005. |
MANAGEMENT Abarashoff, D. Michael. It's your ship : management techniques from the best damn ship in the navy. New York, NY : Warner Books, c2002. VB 203 A64 2002. (Circulation Section). |
Abrashoff, D. Michael. It’s our ship : the no-nonsense guide to leadership. New York : Business Plus, 2008. HD 57.7 A638 2008 c.2. (Circulation Section). |
Ayers, James B. Retail supply chain management. 2nd ed. Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2018. HD 38.5 H86 2018. (Reserve Section). |
Bates, Suzanne. Speak like a CEO : secrets for commanding attention and getting results. New York : McGraw-Hill Education, c2018. HD 50.3 B38 2005. (Circulation Section). |
Schwalbe, Kathy. Introduction to project management. 3rd ed. Minneapolis, Minn. : Kathy Schwalbe LLC, 2010. HD 69 P75 S392 2010. (Circulation Section). |
MARKET SEGMENTATION Kim, W. Chan. Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2015. |
MATHEMATICS Barnett, Raymond A. College mathematics : for business, economics, life sciences and social sciences. 12th ed. Boston, Massachusetts : Prentice Hall, 2011. QA 37.2 B369 2011. (Circulation Section). |
MICROBIOLOGY Medical microbiology / Patrick R. Murray, et. al. 4th ed. St. Louis : Mosby, c2002. |
MICROSOFT FRONT PAGE Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 : level 1 / New Horizons Computer Learning Center. New York : Element K, c2003. TK 5105.8885 F76 N48s 2003. (Circulation Section). |
Microsoft office powerpoint 2003 : level 1. Portland : Element K, 2003. T 385 W67s 2006. (Circulation Section).
Cox, Joyce. Microsoft office home and student 2010 step by step. Redmond, Wash. : Microsofr Press, c2010. HF 5548.4 M525 C68 2010. (Circulation Section).
Elston, Tom. Microsoft office powerpoint 2003 : level 2. Portland : Element K, 2003. T 385 E67s 2003. (Circulation Section).
Chicken soup for the golden soul / compiled by Jack Canfield. Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1999. BJ 1690 C45 1999. (Circulation Section).
Chicken soup for the soul : thanks to my mom : 101 stories of gratitude, love and lessons. Cos Cob, Connecticut : Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, Ltd., 2015. HQ 759 C45 2015. (Circulation Section).
David, A. Rosalie. Conversations with mummies : new light on the lives of ancient Egyptians. New York : Morrow, c2000. DT 62 M5 D38 2000. (Circulation Section).
Mora, Manolete. Myth, mimesis and magic in the music of the T'boli, Philippines. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2005. ML 3758 P5 M67 2005. (Filipiniana Section).
Donoso, Isaac. Islamic far east : ethnogenesis of Philippine Islam. Quezon City : University of the Philippines Press, 2013. BP 63 P6 D66 2013. (Filipiniana Section). |
Esteban, Rolando C. The Kalibugans : Moros of Zamboanga peninsula : an inquiry into social fission, hybridity, and ethnicity. Manila : University of Santo Tomas Pub. House, c2002. DS 666 K27 E88 2002. (Filipiniana Section).
Larsen, Stephen. The mythic imagination : the quest for meaning through personal mythology. Rochester, Vt. : Inner Traditions International, c1996. BL 313 L37 1996. (Circulation Section).
Bryant, Megan E. Oh my gods!. New York, NY : F. Watts/Scholastic, c2010. BL 783 B79 2010. (Circulation Section).
Anderson, Benedict R. The spectre of comparisons : nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the world. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2004. DS 525.7 A53 2004. (Filipiniana Section).
Hau, Caroline Sy. Necessary fictions : Philippine literature and the nation, 1946-1980. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2000. PN 51 H38 2000. (Filipiniana Section).
Comanagement in practice : the challenges and complexities of implementation in the Northern Sierra Madre Mountain Region / edited by Denyse J. Snelder. Quezon City, Phils. : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2005. HC 453.5 C66 2005. (Filipiniana Section).
How to get from no to go : the magic of negotiating winning agreements. Boulder, Colo. : Hayden Alexander Press ; c2000. HD 58.6 R8 2000. (Circulation Section).
Sharp, Damian. Simple numerology. Berkeley, California : Conari Press, 2001. BF 1623 P9 S46 2001. (Circulation Section).
Choy, Catherine Ceniza. Empire of care : nursing and migration in Filipino American history. Durham : Duke University Press, 2003. RT 17 P6 C48 2003 c.2. (Filipiniana Section).
Mason, Diana J. Policy and politics in nursing & health care. 7th ed. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Saunders, c2016. RT 86.5 M37 2016 c.2. (Circulation Section).
Sverdrup, Keith A. Investigating oceanography. 2nd ed. New York : McGraw-Hill Education, c2017. HD 11.2 S94 2017. (Reserve Section).
Medina, John. Brain rules for baby : how to raise a smart and happy child from zero to five. Seattle, WA : Pear Press, c2010. HQ 755.8 M4694 2010. (Circulation Section).
Salazar, Marlies S. Perspectives on Philippine languages : five centuries of European scholarship. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2012. PL 5503 S65
Lucero, Rosario Cruz. Ang bayan sa labas ng Maynila The nation beyond Manila. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2007. PL 6141 L83 2007. (Filipiniana Section).
Wolf, Jonathan. Easy physics step-by-step : master high-frequency concepts and skills for physics proficiency--fast!. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013. QC 23.2 W65 2013 c.2. (Circulation Section).
Political culture and ethnicity : an anthropological study in South-East Asia / by Toh Goda. Quezon City : New Day, c1999. GN 492 P66 1999 c.3. (Filipiniana Section).
Birkland, Thomas A. An introduction to the policy process : theories, concepts, and models of public policy making. New York : M.E. Sharpe, c2005. JK 468 P64 B57 2005. (Circulation Section).
Johnston, Joni E. Psychology. 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN : Alpha, a member of Penguin Group Inc., c2014. BF 121 J64 2014. (Circulation Section).
Szuchman, Lenore T. Writing with style : APA style made easy. 4th ed. Australia; Belmont, Calif. : Thomson/Wadsworth, c2008. BF 76.8 S98 2008. (Circulation Section).
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLB handbook for writers of research papers. 6th ed. New York : The Modern Language Associaton of America, 2016. LB 2369 G53 2003 c.2. (Circulation Section).
Parinello, Anthony. Getting to VITO, the very important top officer : 10 steps to VITO's office. Hoboken, New Jersey : J. Wiley, c2005. HF 5438.25 P3615 2005. (Circulation Section).
Kaplan Test Prep and Admission. Kaplan SAT : diagnostic test and practice questions : a borders exclusive. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2005. LB 2353.57 K37 2005. (Circulation Section).
Fajardo, kale Bantigue. Filipino crosscurrents : oceanographies of seafaring, masculinities, & globalization. HD 8039 S42 P645 2011. (Filipiniana Section).
Barnes, Lexie. Sew up a home makeover : 50 simple sewing projects to transform your space. North Adams, Massachusetts, c2011. TT 387 B37 2011. (Circulation Section).
Salman, Michael. The embarrassment of slavery : controversies over bondage and nationalism in the American colonial Philippines. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2001. HT 1271 S26 2001 c.2. (Filipiniana Section).
McCain, Roger A. The economics of small business : an introductory survey. Singapore : Hackensack, NJ : world Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018. HD 62.7 M3873 2018. (Reserve Section).
Goodman, Amy. The silenced majority : stories of uprisings, occupations, resistance, & hope. Chicago : Haymarket Books, c2012. HN 18.3 G66 2012. (Circulation Section).
Communities at the margins : reflections on social, economic, and environmetal change in the Philippines / edited by Hiromitsu Umehara. Quezon City : ADMU Press, c2004. HN 712 C66 2004 c.2. (Filipiniana Section).
Myss, Caroline M. Invisible acts of power. New York : Free Press, c2004. BL 629.5 H44 M97 2004. (Circulation Section).
Bryson, John M. Creating and implementing your strategic plan : a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations. 2nd ed. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2005. HD 30.28 B788 2005. (Circulation Section). |
Bryson, John M. Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizational achievement. 3rd ed. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2004. HD 30.28 B79 2004. (Circulation Section).
Sood, Amit. The Mayo Clinic guide to stress-free living. Cambridge, MA : Da Capo Press/Lifelong Books, 2013. RA 785 S688 2013. (Circulation Section).
McCarthy, Michael J. Mastering the information age : a course in working smarter, thinking better, and learning faster. Los Angeles : J.P. Tarcher, c1991. LB 1060 M37 1991. (Circulation Section).
Collins, James C. Built to last : successful habits of visionary companies. New York : Harper Business, c1994. HF 5386 C735 1994. (Circulation Section).
Choy, Peter Chin Kean. T’ai Chi : 37 steps to happiness. Guilford, Connecticut : The Lyons Press, 2001. RA 781.8 C56 2001. (Circulation Section). |
Tucker, Paul. Tai chi : flowing movements for harmony and balance. New York : Barnes & Noble Books, c1997. GV 504 T83 1997. (Circulation Section).
Daugherty, Paul R. Human + machine : reimagining work in the age of IA Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2018. T 173.8 D38 2018. (Circulation Section).
McCorry, K. J. Organize your work day…in no time. Indianapolis : Que Pub., 2005. HD 69 T54 M396 2005. (Circulation Section). |
St. James, Elaine. Simplify your work life : ways to change the way you work so you have more time to live. New York : Hyperion, c2001. HD 69 T54 S725 2001. (Circulation Section).
Anderson, Warwick. Colonial pathologies : American tropical medicine, race, and hygiene in the Philippines. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2007. RC 962 P6 A53 2007. (Filipiniana Section).
Mitchell, Scott. Sams teach yourself ASP.NET in 24 hours complete starter kit. Indianapolis, Indiana : Sams, 2003. TK 5105.8885 A26 M586 2003. (Circulation Section).
Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar. Servants of globalization : women, migration, and domestic work. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2003. HD 6072.2
Brown, Christina. The book of yoga : bringing the body, mind and spirit into balance and harmony. Queen Street, United Kingdom : Paragon, 2002. GV 481 B76 2002. (Circulation Section). |
Lalvani, Vimla. Stay young with yoga : look and feel younger in 10 days with yoga. New York : Sterling Pub. Co., 2001. RA 781.7 L36 2001.
Rusch, Elizabeth. Generation FIX : young ideas for a better world. Hillsboro, OR : Beyond Words Pub., 2002. HN 49 V64 R88 2002. (Circulation Section). |